

Public Speaker.


Who says Science can't be fun? Entertaining AND educating? Edutaining if you will ...
Just like the Science I share in my videos on Youtube (@Shelium), TikTok ( and other social media.
Through my passion for science communication and outreach, I was selected in the current cohort of Superstars ofSTEM - a pioneering program to smash society’s gender assumptions about scientists and increase the public visibility of women and non-binary people in STEM, initiated by Science and Technology Australia (STA).

In my day job, I am a Research Scientist in the Vascular Biophysics team at CSL. Over the past decade I spent most of my time using Microfluidics as tool for a wide range of scientific research. I have a strong track record developing the interface between research and industry with 5 years’ experience spanning across science, innovation, program management, and strategic roles with a particular focus on frontier technology and applied research.

I am passionate about innovative science and technology solutions that enable everyday people every day and have a positive impact on the world! In a world where we have to tackle the onsetting impacts of human-made climate crisis, I am committed to a demonstrating a model of leadership that will influence outcomes towards a healthier planet, and a sustainable future for all of us. I am a therefore currently on my Homeward Bound leadership journey as part of the HB8 cohort.

STAY SCIENCY … one video at a time

Follow along for more edutaining, weird and newsworthy science on my socials